Eric Wurtenberg
Craig Wurtenberg has been inspired partly by the many exciting opportunities created by web democratization and social networking. Craig and Eric Wurtenberg both share the belief that a small group of people with big ideas, lots of passion, and a golden rule business philosophy can have a huge impact on empowering local communities and business. We strongly believe that it is possible to live and work our values, and hopefully in the process, still earn a decent living.
Our team hopes that you enjoy and get a lot of use out of We are proud to be delivering thousands of real life opportunities every day - all for Free! Whether a connection is made for business, networking, finding property, a job, a car, or simply meeting new friends, the important thing is to keep it honest, clean, and preferably local.
If you have any ideas, suggestions, or concerns, give us a shout. If you need to get in touch with the team, please use the contact us form.
Thanks for making it happen on!